
Jan 28, 2013 - 12:28 PM
It sounds like gnats and not fruit flies, so your control is different.
Gnats are problem that always originate outdoors. Even though you are seeing them indoors, they come from outdoors. Fungus Gnats can live and breed in any kind of water source, stagnate or stale water, soil, etc. They can live under shrubs, plants, decks and anywhere there is a high level of moisture or humidity. This is where the treatment needs to begin. Bifen is a great product to use and can be sprayed almost anywhere outdoors -
Indoors - use fly traps such as the Flyweb Fly light -
The GoldStick can also be used to trap flies and gnats indoors -
The traps you mentioned you made won't work for Fungus Gnats. They are not attracted by fruit or vinegar. In fact, most fruit fly traps contain apple cider vinegar and not white vinegar or soap. But usually, they are attracted by moisture.
Any easy product to use indoors for FAST results is CB80. Spray it liberally into the air like hairspray and let it fog the area -
Fungus gnats can be difficult to control. But if the treatment is started where they originate, then control is much easier.

Sep 05, 2013 - 07:09 AM
Sounds like fungus gnats. There are many different species, some just kind of hover around, others will chase you and try to get into your eyes and ears and nose.
Vinegar and soap? I don't think that would attract anything. Vinegar is a repellent.
Gnats are attracted to humans by C02. In other words, the air you breath out, the radiant heat from your body, etc, can attract them. Just like you attract mosquitoes, you can attract gnats. Very common. Also, depending on the type of soap you use, cologne, etc, this could also attract gnats.
I would recommend to consider using an insect repellent such as off. We also carry Insect Patches, that repel insects. Many drug stores, etc, carry "Super Bands", its a small bracelet that you wear that repels insects.
Other than that, good personal hygiene with a non-perfumed soap such as Ivory soap is all that I can recommend.
Oh, and sometimes eating lots of Garlic helps.
CB80 spray is the best thing to kill them indoors.
The Gold Stick Fly trap is a good trap to trap them.
Hope this helps.
That happens to me every day they just follow me everyday people sometimes steer at it or laugh but don't tell me I got flies fling around my head I take showers everyday i have no hair on my head. so why are they following me? I ask myself everyday is it going to last for ever I'am scared to talk to people because they may laugh in my face. I get most attention then a famous person. this is what happens i go to school this girl always look at me when im doing my work right when i look up she looks away but I catch her steering at my head for 3seconds. the crazy thing about it when I look in the mirror they disapear. i turn the lights off turn the TV on there they go running on the TV OR the computer they are really getting on my nerves I need to get them away once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!
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