I currently have termite bait stations that were installed at the time of new construction by a licensed company.
2 answers
Advance Termite Bait Station TBS
I have a pharaoh ant infestation. I have tried taro for a bout 4 months. What would you recommend?IN and Outside?
1 answer
American Webs Master
0 answers
Will bug bombs set off sprinklers in a apartment
Want to apply a repellent in my attic for squirrels. Do you recommend anything? Thanks!
Shake Away Fox Urine Granules
How do I catch a bird mite? Need to catch it for exterminator. Dr. says it is a bite, but he doesn't know kind.
3 answers
Other, General Help, Pest Questions, Product Questions
IF a block of Ratsak gets wet multiple times does it loose its toxicity?
Is steri Fab safe to breath
Steri Fab Bactericide Sanitizer Deodorant
I do animal rescue work-is Bifen IT safe around dogs/cats? What are the precautions?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
can i bathe my dog in Malathion and if so how much can i use
Martin's Malathion 57% - 16 oz bottle
Is it legal to ship cockroach bait to Canada. I can't buy it in Canada without a pesticide license
I Used More Tempo SC Ultra than I intended in a batch used to spray my apartment. Will that pose a health danger?
Tempo SC Ultra Insecticide
Can I use Riptide 5.0% Pyrethrin ULV in a horse barn spraying system
Riptide Waterbased Pyrethrin ULV Concentrate
can you ship to Hamilton Ontario
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
Can Termidor sc be delivered to zip code 70122?
Termidor SC 78 oz
How do I return an order?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
How close to the house should it be installed? Right next to the house or with some distance?
I have a xxxx roach infestation. I have done so many things and have spent so much money. HELP
General Help, Pest Questions, Product Questions, Other
shipping to france
I have a pest tubing built in systems but the outside panels need to be changed. Can a company come out and do it?
will insurance cover ant damage
Pest Questions, General Help, Other
Trelona ATBS Direct Bait Stations
Hi Ron, I'm not a DIY girl. Who do you recommend in Denton, TX for Sentricon system? Approx. Cost expected?
Hex Pro Termite Bait System
Precautions with Avert flowable
Avert Dry Flowable Cockroach Bait Formula 1
need walk into supplier tomorrow early. Moving RUGS with moths new storage design district 9727430448 Jupiter 2 f
PT Ultracide Pressurized Flea IGR and Adulticide Carpet Spray
Order #E249545
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel
What is the mixture solution to apply on dogs
Hi Yield 38 Plus
What if my 30kg dog ate .5ml of Termidor in a tuna bait will he be ok?
Termidor HE High Efficiency Termiticide
Hi there.Do you supply termite control products direct to the public? Specifically, termite detection products.
what may we use to repel voles/moles which have already tunneled extensively in the back yard???? Do the spikes wr
Shake Away Rodent Repellent Granules
MYCRS & MUTES. Great Articles! Anything I can take that will kill the mutes & not me? Antibiotics were no sucess
Pest Questions, Other, General Help
insect infestation has resulted in airborne gel that affixes to food and toilet water sewage items and clogging!
do you ship to Canada I am interested in termidor 20 oz
Termidor SC 20 oz
I have a 2 year old and dogs. Can I apply ma this product in house? Is snowing, what can I apply outside the house
sprayer control handle is clogged, need a replacement can pressurize tank, water flows fine release handle stops
Will you deliver to Canada and if so how much for shipping ?Thanks
How to kill an infestation on red beetles behind kitchen kickboards that are spreading through kitchen
what can i use to fix my Siberian Elm trees
Do florida frogs eat palmetto bugs or cockroaches
is there a store where i can purchase your product?
Isanti MNDoes it work on deer flies?
Pest Questions, Other
Do you ship to Australia? Which termite bait kit is the best and why?
Product Questions, Other
Can you apply the liquid sodium borate with an air brush type of paint sprayer or is a hudson garden type sprayer
Why mice die when they enter the EZ Klean box?
I have cats and small dogs, do I have to take them out of the home after spraying the basement with talstar p?
Talstar Professional Insecticide
I am interested in buying copper stuff-it. Could you please let me know if you'll ship to Toronto, CanadaThanks
How long from the time you apply Termimdor SC to the First Rain ?
willpermethrin sfr kill white on fruit tree
Permethrin SFR - 32 oz Quart
Why is my grass turning brown after using Bayer insect granules? it got enough water from the rain. What should I
Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer Granules