We have thousands of flies swarming around our house, they need to go... What is the best spray to use?
2 answers
is it safe to spray Bifen I/T indoor in kitchen and bedrooms? whats best way to spread to get maximum output.
3 answers
Is mixing Bifen IT and IG Regulator to combat the fleas inside and outside my home the best plan of attack on flea
1 answer
Does Bifen I/T hurt animals and butterflies when sprayed?
Should I rotate bifenthrin with Lambda-cyhalothrin
4 answers
Do you ship bifen it to Canada?
Can this be used in hose end sprayer?
how do i mix for cockroaches (german)?
Hi I was wondering if you ship to canada?
Is your 4 oz container one bottle with 4 oz of bifen it / or 4 - 1 oz packets of bifen it?
How does Bifen I/T compare to Suspenc SC or Tempo SC?
What outdoor flea adulticide is recommended if Bifen I/T and permethrin don't work?
Product comparison question for carpet beetles
Which is safer for pets/kids, bifenthrin or something encapsulated like Thiamethoxam/lambda-cyhalothrin?
can I use this right in the soil of my houseplants? if so, how much would I use? spray or pour?
How toxic is it to cats if they eat grass that was sprayed?
Does it kill german roaches and when dries is it still effective
Can this be used on furniture or draperies
will this kill ladybugs or asian lady bugs
Do you have anything to kill roaches, caterpillars, and ants?
Is this good for exterminating german roaches? what are the best places to spay for a heavy infestation?
is bifen I/t safe to spray on carpet? how about dogs?
will it control fleas and ticks in yard
does rain wash away the product
Is Bifen the best product to spray trees for American/Tree Roaches?
Hello Interested in a least risky pesticide for ticks using a 200 gal skid sprayer. Lawns, perimeter, near house.
can this be used to control stink bugs on tomatoes
will it kill bed bugs ?
how long between applications for bugs
can I use in pastures to control grasshoppers ?
is it safe for pets
Does bifen kill grubs?
If 1 ounce per gallon does not work, should I try 1.5 ounces or 2 ounces?
how much BIFEN I/T POISON per gallon of water to kill wasp
can bifen I/T be used in misters
0 answers
after spraying bifen i/t in the kitchen, do I need to wash all the surfaces, dishes, etc or do I remove them first
How much will 4oz Bottle make
Will bifenthrin eliminate leaf cutter bees?
Do you ship to Canada
how do you spray for gnats in a house?
when should i apply to kill mole crickets
Do you ship to Germany?
what should i do next after termite treatment to foundation pad footings
Is this product a repellant? Don't want the termites to go elsewhere because they sense the insecticide and not die
Does this work for striped bark scorpions?
is there a waringing regarding Pollinators on the packaging of Bifen IT?
How much Biden is needed for sewer roaches
Will bifen I/T kill sewer roaches & will gentrol IGR work on s sewer roaches as well
when is bifin rainproof?