What can be done with clothes from an apt with cockroaches. Plastic bag? for how long? washing machine?
4 answers
Pest Questions
How can i get rid of ground moles in my house?
3 answers
Pest Questions, General Help
I have a roach infestation how can I take control there so bad they are biting me
1 answer
Termite company left behind 12 Sentricon stations. Can I buy bait refills for these?
How can I get rid of Little Leaf Notcher Weevil that are eating my mango's leaves?
2 answers
Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide
I have some kind of gnats. They come and they go. I need to know what they are so I can stop them from coming.
We have thousands of flies swarming around our house, they need to go... What is the best spray to use?
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
How can I get rid of roaches that seem impossible to get rid of?
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait 30 gram
Do you have a totally rain proof rat poison that can be put outdoors and not melt in heavy rain?
advice on bird mite infestation
where do common house flies go at night?
PT Alpine Pressurized Fly Bait
Have little brown beetles coming up through the bath tub drain. They kind of look like a 'confused flour beetle'.
5 answers
Weevils are coming up my bathroom drain!
How do I spray boracare inside a wall?
How can we kill roaches/eggs on household items in estate clearance?
Should I bora care the inside of my kitchen cabinets and drawers to prevent powder post beetles?
Bora Care Wood Treatment 1 Gallon Jug
What other insects, besides bed bugs attack while sleeping in your bed? Next morning leaving bites and welts.
What is the best way to treat bed bugs and german cockroaches?
How long do spider mites live on clothing after leaving a mmj plant?
How do we properly eliminate our powder post beetle problem in our hardwood floors?
I have tiny little tan and brown striped bugs showing up in my bathrooms. Any idea what these are?
termites in hardwood floor
Is mixing Bifen IT and IG Regulator to combat the fleas inside and outside my home the best plan of attack on flea
Ron,What to apply on lawn after dog droppings pickup? Best disposal of dog droppings to prevent flies? Thank you.
FBS Fly Bait Station
I'm having an infestation, by something so small I can't see them but feel them jumping,crawling, and biting me da
How do you recommend I get rid of dry rot termites in a mobile home?
Pest Questions, Product Questions
Idk what pest but, little brown, black, tan pellets like balls showin up in little, piles on window and floor
What is the best for small in house moths?
I am infested with cloth moths. What is the best product to use? I will bomb my house and remove all pets if neede
Is there any above ground bait for active infestation
Termidor Foam Termiticide Insecticide
How to get rid of rat urine smell outside
I have "peat flies" in my house from my house plants, how do I get rid of them ?
SURRENDER G Insect Killer Granules
Bugs in bathtub and beetle larvae
How do you get rid of springtails?
Pest Questions, Product Questions, General Help
How do we tr at carpenter ants in an RV
Carpenter Ant Control Kit
Do roaches lay eggs in clothing in dresser drawers? And if so, will washing the clothes in hot water kill them?
MAXFORCE Professional Insect Control Roach Killer Bait Gel
I know that foggers/bombs kill spiders BUT DOES IT ALSO KILL SPIDER EGG SACS ?
what to do about flying bugs in bedroom that come out at night and are very fast and nip at you while in bed
American cockroach terror!
Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate
Are these termites? What kind of termites?
Will Talstar kill carpenter ants ?
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
As soon as the weather warms up, my house is filled with flies.
What are tiny round hard black poppy seed looking things from?
2nd Time Bird Mites
I have termites at ceiling on one wall in my bedroom.
whats best for subterrainium tetmites and german cockroachs
Advice on toddler and pet safe way to get rid of cockroaches fast.
I have a small, fast moving pest in my house that resembles an ant or hard shelled gnat...They move in groups.
I just got a new fridge...went on vacation and was gone a week...came home and found DEAD GNATS in my new fridge.
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum