Voted Best Answer

Jan 16, 2013 - 12:39 PM
Kathleen, if you have cockroaches in your apartment, and they are infesting your clothes, then by all means, get some garmet bags from your local Supermarket and seal the clothes up. Cockroaches normally don't eat or infest clothes. They will infest kitchens, bathroosms, etc, because they are looking for food and water.
If it makes you feel better, dry the clothes (if possible) on high heat for a few minutes, then take them out and shake them. This will hopefully cause the roaches to drop or fall out. Then seal them in garmet bags.
The best thing to do is to treat the apartment with Dupont Advion Roach Gel Bait -
We also have a complete section on how to get rid of roaches -
Let me know if this helps.
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