
Jan 22, 2013 - 07:21 AM
Bedbugs and german roaches are totally different in their habits, where they live and what they feed on. As a result, they require "different" treatments. They can be both treated on the same day, its just that the way you treat for them is different.
German roaches live in kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and when the population gets bigger, they move into the other rooms of the house. If you are seeing them all over the house, then that is a sign of a fairly extensive german cockroach problem.
We have a complete page on how to get rid of german roaches here -
I would start by using bait such as Maxforce Cockroach Gel -
placed into the cabinets and wherever you are seeing the roaches. Use small pea size placements and put it into the corners of cabinets, dressers, baseboards, cracks and crevices. Keep replacing the bait as the roaches eat it.
For a fast knockdown, use Pestabs - and spray the baseboards, under furniture, corners of walls, etc.
Bed Bugs are different, they infest mattresses, headboards, nightstands, etc. Pestabs can also be sprayed around these areas for bedbugs, so this would be the only product that you could use for both bed bugs and german roaches. However, for bed bugs, you also need to use a mattress treatment such as Bedlam Plus - and also consider using mattress encasements -
Bed Bug control is very technical and usually requires a minimum of 3 treatments. We have a complete page on how to get rid of bed bugs and bed bug control here -
I know this is lengthy, but there really is no way to go about doing an easy treatment for both of these pests. Most professional pest companies would charge a minimum of $800 for controlling both of these pests in an average house, so by doing it yourself, you are saving the cost of time and labor. I would estimate the total time at about 10 hours, over a period of 3-4 treatments.
This is something you can do yourself, and we have the exact same products the pros use. Hope this helps.
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