
May 21, 2013 - 06:25 PM
Talstar is a very repellent chemical in a class of chemicals known as Synthetic Pyrethroids. I do not recommend using any repellent chemicals or any synthetic pyrethroids on Carpenter Ants for a very simple reason. 1) It will kill the carpenter ants that are exposed, but will repel the others and they will avoid it. This leads to what is called "budding" or in simple terms, dividing. The single carpenter ant colony you attempted to kill with Talstar will divide in several new ant colonies. This can become a major problem.
Here is an excerpt from a previous post on this issue -
Carpenter ants always come from outdoors. Even when they live indoors, they will travel outdoors to find food sources. Their favorite food source is aphids (a plant pest) and honeydew (which aphid secrete).
Be careful using any spray pesticides near or around Carpenter Ants. IT ALWAYS CAUSES PROBLEMS. Carpenter ants are repelled by most pesticides and will go into a division phase in which the colony divides into several new colonies. This is called "budding". You don't want several new carpenter ant nests to deal with.
Maxforce Carpenter Ant Gel is a good product, but has a relatively short lifespan. Usually less than a week. If the carpenter ants don't find it or don't feed within its lifespan, then its a wasted effort.
Advance Carpenter Ant Bait is another good product, but again, short lifespan and if the ants don't find it before it goes rancid, they won't eat it.
Most pest control companies will either spray and pray that they kill the ants, or drill holes in the walls and shoot insecticidal dusts into the walls hoping to kill the ants. This method is hit and miss. Either of these methods can cause "budding" if they use a repellent pesticide.
Other pest control companies will set you up on a regular service and spray every month hoping to kill as many of the workers as possible on each spray visit, also hoping to get a colony "decline" this way. This is an expensive approach, and usually with no set time limit or guarantee.
The KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Station and system is the best overall and long term solution to carpenter ants, that I have ever seen. This is what our customers say too. We have sold more than 80,000 stations with only a handful of returns.
I highly recommend the KM Ant Pro System and think that you will see success against carpenter ants for much less hassle and money. This is why many pest control companies are starting to use this system "as a service". They too see the advantages of baiting over spraying.
Here is the link -
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