
May 09, 2013 - 10:56 AM
This is a repost from an earlier question, I have modified it somewhat for garages -
If flies are in the garage, where are they originating from? Generally speaking, flies have to have some sort of catalyst for breeding. This is usually some sort of organic debris in which they lay eggs, and begin their life cycle. Outdoors, this can be anything from stagnant water, septic systems, french drains, manure, animals, garbage, sewage, creeks, lakes, etc. Indoors this can be caused by stagant water under homes, backed up septic systems, dead animals inside walls, or attics, and a host of other possible causes.
Fly control can be difficult. Depending on what type of fly you are dealing with and the outdoor environment, I am going to give you some basic fly control advice.
House Flies -
Outdoors use Flies Be Gone Fly Traps - Place them away from the house to attract and capture flies from the house and to also help capture and intercept flies that come in from outlying areas.
In the garage use GoldStick Fly Traps - Simply hang them from the ceiling. 2 or 3 will work.
Bifen is also a good product to spray the lawn and outside with to reduce and kill flies.
The FlyWeb fly light is also very effective - It plug in to any 110V wall outlet. It attracts and captures flies. It also has replaceing glue traps.
Another great product is CB80 Aerosol - Simply fog CB 80 into the air, direct at the skylight, windows, etc. It sprays like hairspray, or like a fog. Just give it a couple of quick 1-2 seconds blasts and leave the area for a few minutes. This kills the flies within seconds, great product.
Hope this helps.
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