Voted Best Answer

Apr 09, 2013 - 09:23 PM
It sounds like you have German Cockroach invasion. Actually, what we call a "serious infestation". Here are the 3 problems typically associated with ineffective german cockroach control -
Problem #1 - The #1 problem with German Cockroach control is that they lay egg capsules. In each egg capsule there can be 40-50 baby german roaches. In a month or so, these newly hatched babies can start breeding and each female can then start laying egg capsules. You see the problem here. You can kill the adults, but the babies or "nymphs" can grow so fast and breed so fast, that you never get control of the population. The population can literally explode and become uncontrollable in a short period of time, with mathematically, tens of thousands of german cockroaches hiding in every crack and crevice in the home.
Problem #2 - Synthetic pyrethroid spray pesticides and the "resistance" or immunity of the cockroaches towards these pesticides. Basically, many pesticides won't kill german roaches, they are immune.
The Orkin man should have known, that when dealing with a serious german cockroach population, spray's usually don't work. You have to use non-repellent baits and dusts, along with IGR's (growth regulators) to get control. A crack and crevice treatment using a flushing pyrethrum based insecticide is a must in this situation. CB80 is an example.
Problem #3 - Not enough time spent preparing for treatment and not enough time actually spent treating. Unfortunately, many pest control companies that pay their technicians on a commission basis, usually deliver ineffective results. The technician can't afford to spend the time required to do the job correctly. The minimal amount of time required to do a proper "german cockroach clean-out" for your home could be up to 3 hours. The follow-up treatments could take 1-2 hours each every 2-3 weeks until the roaches are under control. You can't just spray poison on the baseboards and cabinets and expect to get control.
German roaches live in kitchen and bathroom cabinets, and when the population gets bigger, they move into the other rooms of the house. If you are seeing them all over the house, then that is a sign of a fairly extensive german cockroach problem. This explains why you see them everywhere.
We have a complete page on how to get rid of german roaches here -
I would start by using bait such as Maxforce Cockroach Gel -
placed into the cabinets and wherever you are seeing the roaches. Use small pea size placements and put it into the corners of cabinets, dressers, baseboards, cracks and crevices. Keep replacing the bait as the roaches eat it.
A good Insect Growth Regulator or Sterilizer is Gentrol Point Source - place this under sinks in the kitchen and bathroom.
Dusts such as Borid (boric acid) need to be applied inside of plumbing areas inside walls, electrical switch plates, behind the refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, etc. A light application is all that is needed, the amount of dust of furniture, a light coating is all that is necessary. Use a good duster such as the Eaton Duster to do this.
I know this is lengthy, but there really is no way to go about doing an easy treatment for German roaches. Most professional pest companies would charge a minimum of $200 just for the initial, so by doing it yourself, you are saving the cost of time and labor. I would estimate the total time at about 6 hours, over a period of 3-4 treatments.
Keep the dogs and cats out of the home during treatment and don't bring them back until after everything has dried. Otherwise, they should be fine.
This is something you can do yourself, and we have the exact same products the pros use. Hope this helps.
Roaches like to be around water and where it is warm You need to isolate your animals water dishes. You might h ave to keep plants outside because of the moisture Roaches are not attracted to food Hope this will give you some insight cd
I saw a roach after bringing in a couple plants for the winter. Straying them with hair spray did the trick but I don't know how many more there may be. It doesn't work for an infestation.
I rented a condo last fall that had been infested with roaches, yuck! After we moved in l saw 1 and called my landlord. He had already had some guy treat twice and told him if 2 times for not work then there was nothing more he could do. WRONG l told him to get orkin out here.. It sounds like you have a very serious infestation. I had the bugs gone completely in less th than three months. All food was kept in freezer. I did not cook because they love grease. Make sure you wipe down your tub or shower after every use. U must eliminate any source of food or water. You also have to know that it is a 2 person team. You and orkin. I put borax along every wall in my house. Inside outlets and any hole l could find. I also used boric acid between visits from orkin. I only used the boric acid in places animals could not get to. They also love bar soap. So switch to liquid soap. Its is absolutely essential that you sanitize sanitize sanitize. They will get on your dishes and leave roach poop. The roach poop is disgusting. You must be adamant about cleaning. Sounds like it's bad enough that you may actually get si k from them
They carry many diseases. I might consider treating it as l said but staying with someone until it's under control.
I have used the Kivaj RK99, this was after so many other pest controls and found only this working. Very good for even german roches. Try it once you will like the results.
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