
Aug 27, 2013 - 03:28 PM
Usually clothes moths don't infest cow hide. Dermestid (hide) beetles do. We need to be absolutely certain what you are dealing with. Have you actually seen the adults moths on or near the areas you are describing, or are you just finding damage?

Aug 27, 2013 - 03:33 PM

Sep 27, 2013 - 02:04 PM
Can you send me a sample or picture of the moths? Put them in a small vial and do not crush them. I need to know exactly what species they are before I can give you an easy ways to kill them.
Foggers will only kill the exposed adults. You need a strategy and control plan. Since you have had them for over a year, the infestation has probably grown. We need to get on this as soon as possible.
Let me know what you can do as far as samples or pictures.
Send samples to:
Ron Dawson - Entomologist
13661 Jupiter Rd Ste 301
Dallas, Texas 75238

Sep 25, 2019 - 03:11 AM
Placing a trap containing a clothes moth pheromone inside your attic can attract moths from outdoors. Using these traps indoors can also attract moths from outdoors. These traps are very sensitive and can attract moths from hundreds or thousands of feet away. Never underestimate the power of insects.
The best thing to do is to immediately begin a treatment plan. Here is a good article on how to kill clothes moths.
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