Using this product inside the home, please explain how long before the environment is safe to the pets and myself.
1 answer
After Bora-care treatment of raw lumber I still see powder beetle activity. Did treatment work?
When applying Bora Care or Termidor foam for drywood termites do I need to drilll into the beams or in between ok?
How do we properly eliminate our powder post beetle problem in our hardwood floors?
can you apply this yourself? What type of sprayer is needed? Problem is in the house, where do dead termites go?
Do you need a pesticide license to use or purchase BoraCare? It is safe to use?
Should I bora care the inside of my kitchen cabinets and drawers to prevent powder post beetles?
2 answers
Does Bora-Care product expire or loose potency after a few years?
Our home interior is untreated knotty pine. We have active infestation powder post beetle. Can we spray directly on
Should I use a dehumidifier in my attic and basement prior to use?
Drywood Termites in Attic
0 answers
Had a bora care treatment performed 5 months ago and I am still seeing powder post dust
can oak with pin holes revealed when planed be used for projects
Is there a spray for powder post beetles?
Stained and oiled acacia wood block tables that have powder post beetles. Sanded, will Bora Care penetrate acacia?
Can I use this product on my living room beams that have been stained?
can you use this product if the logs have already been stained.
How do I get rid of powder post beatels from already stained logs that are the main support beams of my house
How do you actually read individual product reviews
Does Boracare kill any powderpost beetles still alive in the wood
Does this product kill powderpost beetle larva once they are in the wood?
After applying Boracare to bare wood can the surface then be painted or polyurethaned
will the chapin sprayer make foam for termites
Is this product useful during the framing phase of new construction?
Ron, I would like for you to recommend me a drywood termite specialist for a stair spot treatment in Houston. Thx!
What is most effective for 2" slabs with PB Beetles? Tim-bor or Boracare
Hi, what is the proper water dilution ratio for Bora Care for treatment of hardwood floors?
Is it possible to just treat certain rooms with Bora Care for hardwood flooring with powder post beetles?
I was curious if powder post beetles can enter a hardwood floor through the cracks in between floor planks?
Hi, I was wondering what time of year is best for applying Bora Care for control of powder post beetles?
Hey Ron, can I use "Bora Care" with the Platinum Pro Foam? I think Termador is illegal in CA.
Will this kill Powder post beetles?
after the treatment is done can you refinish the wood using oil base stain and waterbase finish,willit hold to the
does this work in fogger, like outdoor insect foggers, or is direct spray best, for powder post beetles.
if we treat 1" thick lumber,will it have an effect on our finishes we put on our guitars?
How to apply to an old wood table?
Can I get rid of these insects with your injector without sanding my floors?
Will this kill existing termites if I drill holes in the wall and apply it?
got a drywall termite problem. will the professional wall former enable me to inject Bora-care into my walls ?
is it compatable with copper water lines
In my dining room I wash cleaning the inside of china cabnet and found saw dust on my plates what is that???
How long should freshly felled pine trees season (without bark) before applying Bora Care? I live in GA
Hello, looking for a product to treat wood used for didgeridoo making - must kill powder post without staining woo