
Mar 01, 2016 - 01:44 PM
The adults that emerge from the wood are actually completing their life cycle. They emerge from their "pupal" casing inside the wood, and then exit the wood. This is what you are referring to. This cannot be stopped with any chemical sprayed onto the wood. The only way to stop this is with fumigation, which is a gas that will penetrate the pupal casing and kill the soon to be adult beetle.
So the bottom line is that it doesn't really matter when you apply Bora Care to the wood. The only life stage you will kill is the larvae or worm. The eggs, pupa and adults cannot be killed with Bora Care.
Preventive treatments are only aimed at killing the larvae.
Hope this helps.
So the bottom line is that it doesn't really matter when you apply Bora Care to the wood. The only life stage you will kill is the larvae or worm. The eggs, pupa and adults cannot be killed with Bora Care.
Preventive treatments are only aimed at killing the larvae.
Hope this helps.
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