Voted Best Answer

Oct 20, 2017 - 04:31 AM
Bora Care contains a form of boron (mineral) that kills powder post beetle larvae only. The larvae are the actual worms that do the damage. It does not kill adult beetles or those beetles that are in the pupae stage. A powder post beetle goes through a life cycle like this - egg, larvae, pupae, adult.
When you see adult powder post beetles emerge from the wood, it may be an indication in some cases that the Bora Care is stressing them and they are exiting the wood. It will not kill adult beetles however.
In most cases of treatment with Bora Care, the larvae are killed within a few months. The Bora Care has to completely saturate the cells of the wood and then the larvae have to eat and digest it. It then takes 3-4 weeks for them to die. So as you can see, the process isn't immediate, it will however have long lasting effects, usually for the life of the wood.
The adult beetles can still emerge after treatment sometimes for months or even years. This is not an indication that anything was done wrong or the Bora Care didn't work. It's just that the adult beetles would have to ingest the wood (which they do not ingest wood) and then it would take 3-4 weeks for to die (they die naturally in most cases within 3-4 days anyway).
My advice? Use Bora Care according to label directions and then don't worry about. In over 25 years of using it, I have never witnessed a case where it did not work.
As far as using it to make furniture, I would treat the individual wood pieces and then let them dry for at least 72 hours before using. If you are treating a 4x4 post for example and then cut it up, that may not allow the Bora Care to penetrate all the way through. I would treat the individual pieces and then only make minor cuts.
When you see adult powder post beetles emerge from the wood, it may be an indication in some cases that the Bora Care is stressing them and they are exiting the wood. It will not kill adult beetles however.
In most cases of treatment with Bora Care, the larvae are killed within a few months. The Bora Care has to completely saturate the cells of the wood and then the larvae have to eat and digest it. It then takes 3-4 weeks for them to die. So as you can see, the process isn't immediate, it will however have long lasting effects, usually for the life of the wood.
The adult beetles can still emerge after treatment sometimes for months or even years. This is not an indication that anything was done wrong or the Bora Care didn't work. It's just that the adult beetles would have to ingest the wood (which they do not ingest wood) and then it would take 3-4 weeks for to die (they die naturally in most cases within 3-4 days anyway).
My advice? Use Bora Care according to label directions and then don't worry about. In over 25 years of using it, I have never witnessed a case where it did not work.
As far as using it to make furniture, I would treat the individual wood pieces and then let them dry for at least 72 hours before using. If you are treating a 4x4 post for example and then cut it up, that may not allow the Bora Care to penetrate all the way through. I would treat the individual pieces and then only make minor cuts.
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