How do I identify an insect when I can't see it?
1 answer
Pest Questions
what is the BEST stuff to get rid of spiders, and how do you mix it, I need a spray for under the house and outsie
3 answers
I have carp ants in a tree, about 15ft high. How best to handle? Thanks
Everything I look at says I can't buy it here in NY..........outside for large black ants and spiders large area
Ant colonies poping up all over my yard. How do I get rid of them? I have sprayed them with Wisdom by Amvac,
4 answers
Can you bait for subterrainian termites and for carpenter ants around your house at the same time ?
how to kill longhorn beetle and protect the rest of my trees
Pest Questions, Product Questions
I have bed bugs in my apartment. I live in the Chickasha, OK 73018 area.
there are sub termites in a old pine stump near my house, how do i get rid of them/ protect house?
Product Questions, Pest Questions
After setting out the Ant Pro Feeder and Gourmet Liquid, how do you tell if colony is dead? What is the timeline?
have some kind of flying bugs found them in bag of rotten potatoes not can't get rid of them think they are gnats
What is the best and most effective method of controling fruit flies in commercial accounts?
which product do you recommend Demand CS or Demand WP for black widows outside a residential home
Demon WP 4 Water Soluble Sachets
How long before the KM Ant Pro System starts working
My boyfriend house had fleas, how do I know if I brought any back with me?
Steri Fab will it kill mites origin unknown it might be scabies find small biting black bugs on bed, cloth
Steri Fab Bactericide Sanitizer Deodorant
Carpenter Ant Problem Under Kitchen Counter...
KM Ant Pro Liquid Ant Bait Kit
Is Premise 75 any safer for people & pets than Termidor? Will stray cats etc get sick or die?
If I freeze a box spring will it kill bed bugs and there eggs
Bedlam Plus Pressurized Aerosol
How do we get rid of Palmetto bugs?
Tim bor Professional Insecticide and Fungicide Dust 1.5lb
I STILL have ant freeways through my house.
fly control
Maxforce Granular Fly Bait
I have a numerous amounts of german cockroaches in the apartment I moved in. How do I get rid of them Pronto, plz
Cockroach Control Kit Professional
I have problems with gnats. I have tried everything I can think of and can;t get rid of them. Can you help.
CB 80 Fogging Insecticide With Pyrethrum
in florida we are being swarmed by love bugs. they're the little bugs that fly in pairs while mating. help!
Essentria IC Pro Insecticide Concentrate 32 oz
Springtails, carpenter ants...can I treat for both?
2 answers
What should I use to kill ant and termites around my pool. about 20 ft of deck is covers the ground
Carpet Beetles in Couch
5 answers
Zenprox Xtend Aerosol
Can termite tunnels be made of sawdust and swept away easily?
Do I have to directly hit a scorpion for Demon WP to kill them.
How can I control Ground Hogs
General Help, Pest Questions
six legs lrg blk eyes 3/4 in long 1/4 in in dia realy loud when flyin 2 fnd in house wings set at middle
Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide
Is there anything I can do about the crazy ants that are literally taking over my property more and more each year
Rid infestations of both beetles/weevils in everything, flour, cornmeal etc and fruitflies , even in baths?
Hilo,HI What is the best bait to use to kill fire ants that is safe with children around?
i bought couch it had bed bugs it was in my home 2 days...removed and burnt couch cleaned thourouly. what now ?
I have 100's&100's of "rolly pollies". We also have all types of spiders that r never ending, PLZ HELP!!
Area - Detroit, MI. Are any of your bed bug products harmful to pregnant women or children with allergies?
I have Crazy ants in my apartment and I have a terrible phobia of any type of insects! ADVICE! ?!?
Oriental Cockroach or Asian Cockroaches in my garage area.
Carpet Beetle question
Cockroaches and silver fish
Method and Products to kill subterrean termites under my 1100 sq ft Southern California house
I found Maxforce Magnum cheaper on another site. Do you guys price match?
Carpet Beetle help!
ants are getting into my cooling system,what should i use to keep them out?
Suppose there were LOTS of carpenter ants. How soon could they conceivably empty a feeding station?
We want to buy premise granule but we received an error message. Our address is in France.Thanks
Pest Questions, General Help
with drain gel will it kill the good bacteria in the septic