Jul 03, 2013 - 02:35 PM
Usually, with Spectracide Termite Killing Stakes, when the flag pops, it means that the wooden tension rod attached to the spring inside the station either disintegrated, or was eaten by termites. If you opened the stations, and did not find any live termites, then I would presume that the tension rod disintegrated, but only if there is no evidence of termite damage to the bait matrix inside the station.
In any event, Taurus SC is a great perimeter treatment that will kill subterranean termites. It would also be a much more efficient and effective treatment.
If you apply Taurus SC, however, just be aware that it will make the termite stakes useless. The reason is that Fipronyl tends to have a wide area affect on the termites, usually within 25 feet of where is is applied. So if the termite stakes are within 25 feet of where you applying Taurus SC, they won't work as intended.
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