
Jun 25, 2015 - 10:44 AM
Bayer Advanced contains Imidichloprid, which is a systemic insecticide. It has no topical effect on the grass or the blades. It will be absorbed by the root system. We sell many different types of products containing Imidichloprid, some with a much larger percentage of it than what Bayer Advanced contains.
My gut feeling on this is that the grass is effected by something else. Unless there was an extreme case of overapplication (using 3 or 4 times what the label rate calls for), Bayer Advanced is not the culprit.
If anything else has been applied such as Herbicide, Fertilizer, etc, then I would look at that as being the problem. Also grass being cut to short, overwatering, too much rain, etc, can also cause these problems. In the case of too much rain, a fungal growth could have occurred.
If the grass has died, then it certainly is probably not Bayer Advanced. If it is only browned, don't overreact and start fertilizing or watering trying to save it. Just treat it normally and let it come back on it's own.
Hope this helps.
My gut feeling on this is that the grass is effected by something else. Unless there was an extreme case of overapplication (using 3 or 4 times what the label rate calls for), Bayer Advanced is not the culprit.
If anything else has been applied such as Herbicide, Fertilizer, etc, then I would look at that as being the problem. Also grass being cut to short, overwatering, too much rain, etc, can also cause these problems. In the case of too much rain, a fungal growth could have occurred.
If the grass has died, then it certainly is probably not Bayer Advanced. If it is only browned, don't overreact and start fertilizing or watering trying to save it. Just treat it normally and let it come back on it's own.
Hope this helps.
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