Liquid Termador HE vs Sentricon
1 answer
is it effective to spray a framed house for termites
I am totally confused about the number of gallons of Tremidor HE to use if I drill holes every 15 inches.
Can this product be used for injecting into wood to treat drywood termites?
Termidor HE was applied into a garden. Should I not consume the plants?
Can Termidor HE also kill slugs/snails when applied as a termite treatment mixed as a termite treatment
Hello, wanted to purchase "Termador" foam, and it's not legal in CA, any suggestions?
Last time I used Termidor He it was a two part system with 2 different chemicals to mix. Where's the second part?
what is difference between the 79 oz bottle of he versus the he copack?
How many linear feet will one 79 oz bottle cover?
if my home has no incident of termites on a post tension slab, is getting a barrier essential around the perimeter
What if my 30kg dog ate .5ml of Termidor in a tuna bait will he be ok?
How large a trench and how much to add?
How deep do you drill Holes in concrete for H E
Will this kill cockroaches as well??
Is there an odor to it once it is sprayed?
How much Termidor needed for 1400 square foot home?
How many seconds per 18 inch hole do you apply per foot of depth of Termidor HE.
With Termidor HE do I use 0.06% or 0.125% dilution rate for trenching around foundation for prevention?
If used for a pre-tree how many square feet does 1 gallon of terminator HE cover
How long will the treatment last ? 1 year, 5 years, 10 years ?