Oct 10, 2014 - 08:02 AM
The general ant kit is just that, designed for killing most species of general household ants - indoors. It will sometimes work on small infestations of Argentine ants. It will not kill an aggressive invasive ant population that can number in the billions such as the Argentine Ant. I would highly recommend that you research this ant and educate yourself as to what you are dealing with. That is the first step. -
The second step is to invest in a long term program and utilize the KM Ant Pro System with Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait. This is the only system outside of spraying (continually) that will have an effect on the Argentine Ant.
There is no known "immunity" or what is actually called "resistance" to Terro or any of the boric acid baits. Watching the ants feed and making a determination based how many ants are feeding will not work. Most ants are nocturnal and will feed at night. Also, ants, do not just wander up to a food source and begin feeding, they have to be instructed to feed based on a "trail" pheromone left by "scouts" or ants that instruct the workers to feed. Placing baits in the exact same location and expecting better results will not work either. Once a particular bait is applied, if you use a different bait, it has to be applied in a different location. There are a lot of little idioscyncrasy's that apply to baits and baiting. It's not easy, and there is no magic or cheap cure for killing potentially "millions" of ants. A long term baiting strategy - outdoors - is where you have to begin with this ant.
The second step is to invest in a long term program and utilize the KM Ant Pro System with Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait. This is the only system outside of spraying (continually) that will have an effect on the Argentine Ant.
There is no known "immunity" or what is actually called "resistance" to Terro or any of the boric acid baits. Watching the ants feed and making a determination based how many ants are feeding will not work. Most ants are nocturnal and will feed at night. Also, ants, do not just wander up to a food source and begin feeding, they have to be instructed to feed based on a "trail" pheromone left by "scouts" or ants that instruct the workers to feed. Placing baits in the exact same location and expecting better results will not work either. Once a particular bait is applied, if you use a different bait, it has to be applied in a different location. There are a lot of little idioscyncrasy's that apply to baits and baiting. It's not easy, and there is no magic or cheap cure for killing potentially "millions" of ants. A long term baiting strategy - outdoors - is where you have to begin with this ant.
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