Oct 24, 2014 - 07:54 AM
Yes, it's called Precor. Precor is an IGR that is mixed with adulticides. Here is the link -
Precor used by itself will only effect larvae. It has no effect on any other life forms. There is limited effects on adults, and since it can only potentially "sterilize" less than 70% of the adults, you will still get bitten.
Most IGR's take time to work. The minimum amount of time to expect results is 90 days. However, they will remain active in the environment for many months.
If you are thinking about only applying an IGR and not applying an adulticide, expect a delayed effect. During that time, you must diligently keep floors, furniture, etc as flea free as possible by vacuuming, etc and keep animals as flea free as possible with regular grooming.
In other words, do not expect to apply Precor, stop doing everything else, and wait 3 months and the fleas will be gone. Won't happen. Flea control requires a diligent effort from all angles.
Precor used by itself will only effect larvae. It has no effect on any other life forms. There is limited effects on adults, and since it can only potentially "sterilize" less than 70% of the adults, you will still get bitten.
Most IGR's take time to work. The minimum amount of time to expect results is 90 days. However, they will remain active in the environment for many months.
If you are thinking about only applying an IGR and not applying an adulticide, expect a delayed effect. During that time, you must diligently keep floors, furniture, etc as flea free as possible by vacuuming, etc and keep animals as flea free as possible with regular grooming.
In other words, do not expect to apply Precor, stop doing everything else, and wait 3 months and the fleas will be gone. Won't happen. Flea control requires a diligent effort from all angles.
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