Mar 11, 2013 - 01:02 PM
The Hex Pro Termite Bait Stations are designed to get wet, dry out, etc, just like any piece of wood outdoors that termites would feed on. If the soil is overly saturated and the stations are popping out of the ground, then the soil is too wet to place them there. I would either move them or remove them from the soil until it dries up.
When the soil becomes so moist that it cannot hold more water, it usually cannot hold termites either. Termites can actually "drown" when the soil is too moist.
So the bottom line is that you want the soil to be moist, not just too moist. Otherwise, the termites will just move somewhere else.
If nothing else, a paver or pavestone placed on top will hold them down. But if they are full of water, then its not going to work anyway.
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