
Mar 23, 2015 - 12:05 PM
The normal application is 1 can per 500 cubic feet. A 2000 square foot home will require around 4 cans. This is for the living areas only. If the garage is part of the home but not part of living area, then subtract that square footage. Of course this all depends on what you are trying to kill. Here is a link to the label directions -

Mar 21, 2017 - 09:48 AM
The best product for carpets is Ultracide. This product can be sprayed over carpeting, floors, even furniture. It is designed for fleas, but works well on Carpet Beetles. A fogger will not control Carpet Beetles, since they will dig into the carpet fibers and jut of wool carpets. Carpet Beetles don't eat synthetic carpets.
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