
Apr 05, 2013 - 10:01 AM
Talster mixes at a rate of about 1 oz per gallon of water. The actual ingredient in Talstar is Bifenthrin, and it also comes in "generic" or "post patent" brands, including Masterline and Bifen. Here are the links -
Talstar Professional -
Bifen IT -
Talstar Granules -
Bifen Granules -
I personally would use a combination of a liquid perimeter spray including Bifen and then an application of Bifenthrin Granules. Be sure to spray inside cracks, crevices, weep holes, etc, from the outside too.
Indoors, you can also spray Bifen under furniture, behind furniture, etc. Don't spray open exposed baseboards, this is overuse of chemicals. Do apply ePest IPM Bug Traps under and behind furniture AFTER spraying to trap the little varmits. Here is the link -
ePest IPM Bug Traps - Keep a good supply of these traps handy and replace them every 30 - 60 days.
As far as how much ground a pint will cover? Most pest control companies will use a different rate for 1 gallon of spray VS mixing 50 gallons of spray. For 50 gallons of spray, you don't want to use 1 oz per gallon, use 8-16 oz per 50 gallons. This equates to about 1/4 oz per gallon for spraying acreage. Then spray till wet. 1 pint should easily treat about 1/4 of an acre using this ratio.

Jun 13, 2015 - 10:02 AM
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