
Mar 01, 2016 - 01:49 PM
Yes and no. It can be applied to the bedroom, but it won't kill carpet beetles completely. The only way to do that is to use a residual carpet and rug spray such as Ultracide, and make applications every few weeks until the problem is under control. 1 application of anything won't kill an infestation of carpet beetles. Repeated applications every 3-4 weeks for 4-6 months will kill them.

Mar 02, 2016 - 12:25 PM
It sounds like bed bugs, not carpet beetles. What do they look like?

Mar 05, 2016 - 04:04 PM
If its carpet beetles, then you definitely need to use a residual product such as Ultracide or Alpine Flea and Tick spray. The flea and tick carpet products work well on carpet beetles since they have the same life cycle as a flea.
Foggers don't have any residual, and will only kill exposed adults. They won't kill eggs, larvea or pupae that are in the carpet. We have a page on how to kill carpet beetles here -
Foggers don't have any residual, and will only kill exposed adults. They won't kill eggs, larvea or pupae that are in the carpet. We have a page on how to kill carpet beetles here -

May 18, 2020 - 04:17 AM
Typically for carpet beetles, the edges or baseboards of rooms, closets, and also window sills are treated to kill them as the crawl around. It is also important to do an exterior spray around windows, doors, the exterior foundation and also spray shrubs that are located next to the house. They can come from outdoors as well as live indoors.
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