Apr 16, 2013 - 07:11 AM
The IPM 925, or the ePest IPM Bug Trap and Monitor, is not a pheromone trap. It does contain an attractant, a natural vanilla scent to lure and trap insects. This gives it a wide range of control primarily for cockroaches, spiders, silverfish, etc.
Pheromones are insect specific and male or female specific. Depending on the insect you are trying to capture or monitor, we have a couple of different lures. One is a general lure, and the other a pantry moth lure that attracts male moths such as Angoumois Grain Moths.
Due to the nature of insect pheromones being very specific to the insects, and not all insect pheromones are isolated and available, we do not include these with this trap.
Here is the link -
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