Apr 16, 2013 - 03:51 PM
Depends how much of both you use. Taurus SC (Fipronyl) which is also Termidor SC, has an affect on termites that no other termiticide has. It can have the same overall impact on the termites as a bait station. Termite Bait Systems require a prebaiting process usually, and this takes time to get established. The overall time it can take to complete a Termite Baiting system can be up to 5 years. With Fipronyl, the same or to a lesser degree, termite colony suppression, can be had in as little as 60-90 days. It all depends on how much of each you use.
The use of termite baits can also be favorable in States where Fipronyl is not legal for use, or has State Restrictions on use. Fipronyl, is definitely not GREEN, termite baiting is. So if your goal is to eliminate termites with as little impact on the environment as possible, then termite baiting is the way to go.
If your goal is to save your house, with as little time spent as possible doing it, then Fipronyl is the way to go.
To answer your question, Taurus SC and Termite Baits can be equally effective.
My choice would be Termidor or Taurus. But then again, it depends on where you live, and if there are no State laws restricting its use. Here are the links -
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