
Jun 30, 2017 - 02:50 AM
This type of product is very difficult to apply in a hose end sprayer. This is because it is almost impossible to accurately dose it. The mixing is usually 1/2 - 1 oz per gallon of water mixed and sprayed in a garden type hand pump sprayer. There are many different hose end sprayers. If you can figure out how to dose this product by using 1 oz of chemical in a gallon of water then that might work.
Hose end sprayers work well for fertizilers since they need to be watered in. They don't work well on pesticides and herbicides that need an exact amount of water added.
Hose end sprayers work well for fertizilers since they need to be watered in. They don't work well on pesticides and herbicides that need an exact amount of water added.
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