May 13, 2013 - 08:44 AM
The number of mole worms needed depends entirely on how many mole tunnels you have. The recommend "starter" amount of worms for each tunnel is 2.
Using a stick, make a hole in the top of the tunnel about 2-3 feet from the hole on each end. Try not to collapse the tunnel. Place the worm through the hole into the tunnels with as little disturbance as possible. Try to seal up the hole.
The Sweeneys Mole Worms, come with Flags that you can place next to the hole where you placed the worm. If you don't get control in a couple of weeks, dig it up and see if the mole ate the worm. Fairly simple process. Could take a lot of worms depending on the amount of tunnels.
Prozap Mole and Gopher Bait (Restricted in many States) is used the same way, only it is pellets that are even more toxic to moles than Sweeneys. If this is legal in your State, you could try it, or try both.
Hope this helps.
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