
May 16, 2013 - 03:48 PM
Several years ago, I created and invented a product called EcoSafe CobWeb Clean-Up. This product is designed to help clean-up, the droppings on siding, windows, doors, glass, etc, and also help prevent spiders by "discouraging CobWeb Formation". EcoSafe CobWeb Clean-Up does not kill spiders, but simply discourages their presence and cob web buildling while making it super easy to clean their dropping. It is the most Eco-Friendly product that we carry.
The next Eco-Friendly product that we carry that is good for spiders is Essentria IC3. This product will kill the spiders on contact when sprayed. It also provides some repellency, but does not discourage cob web building. It is a good product, but the effectiveness is really limited to the spiders that are directly sprayed.
Alpine WSG is a new product that is also "GREEN" containing Dinotefuron, that kills spiders on contact. No repellency, but does a good job of killing them.
Demand CS is not a green product, but due to it's low mixture ratio, would have little to no effect on fish, etc, but is not labeled to be used near water. This product is the most efficient out of all three at killing and repelling spiders, it is not GREEN, but could be considered "less toxic" in some ways.
Bifenthrin (Bifen) is an old standby, and probably one of the most widely pesticides outdoors on lawns, etc. It kills, repels and does a great job. Don't spray it over open water, and don't let it run into open water. Be careful around lakes and ponds when using this product.
Other than that, the Cob Web Duster is a great product at sweeping down spider webs. Use the cob web duster, then follow it up with EcoSafe Cob Web Clean-Up, and if the spiders persist, spray the outside areas (eaves, etc) with Demand or Bifen. That's the best you can do with anything on the market and get any kind of spider control near a lake.
Hope this helps.
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