
May 18, 2013 - 09:53 AM
Killing cockroaches that have built up a population inside of any item, whether it is something as simple as a piece of furniture, or something as complex as a flat screen tv, depends on the size of the item.
The larger the item, the more difficult to control. Small items can be placed in an oven and heated at around 95 - 100 degrees for 4-6 hours and this usually will kill all adults, nymphs and eggs. It basically eliminates any moisture and it dries them out. Be sure to not overheat and continually check for damage caused by heat if using this method.
This can also be accomplished by placing the item in a black plastic trash bag and placing it outdoors in hot direct sunlight. The bag needs to be heated for 8 or so hours if using this method. I would recommend doing this several days in row.
The use of Insect Guards or Nuvan Pro Strips will add a "fumigating" affect to the inside of the bag when heated. You can leave these strips inside the bag for a longer affect. Nuvan Pro Strips and Insect Guards will fumigate and penetrate into the interior of the item and kill cockroach adults and nymphs. There is little to no affect on the egg capsules. You have to wait until they hatch, then the immature nymphs will be killed.
For larger items, CB80 Aerosol can be injected into the voids, etc, to drive the cockroaches out. Invader Aerosol can also be used. Be careful not to get these products on plastic, as they can mar the surface. They are usually safe for electronics, but be careful.
These methods are the fastest way to kill cockroaches, there is little to no affect of the aerosol on the egg capsules, unless saturated directly.
Cockroach baits such as Maxforce FC Roach Killer Bait Gel can also be applied into cracks, and joints, around appliances. If the item can be taken apart, then apply the bait inside of it. Any affect on the cockroaches using baits will take several days, and there is also no affect on the eggs.
Using a growth regulator such as Gentrol Aerosol or Gentrol Point Source will help with the cockroach reproduction cycle, and could help long term, but there will no immediate control of the eggs.
The most important thing to NOT do, is to take these items home and infest your house. Placing them in plastic trash bags, with the Insect Guards and storing them long term in a storage facility would be my choice. This is also the easiest, but it will take weeks maybe months using this method to kill the roaches.
If you want to take anything home or sell it, then do the right thing, and make sure that the item is cockroach free first. There is no easy way to do this, it just takes time and perserverence.
Hope this helps.

Jul 26, 2013 - 09:31 AM

Dec 30, 2024 - 10:00 AM
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