May 18, 2020 - 04:38 AM
These dispensers are difficult to get access to. The bait is housed within a small chamber under the top bulb. There is a very tiny amount of bait inside the chamber. Greenway is made of boric acid which has the toxicity of table salt. We have never had an issue with a dog, cat or any pet getting into the dispenser or being harmed in any way. Large dogs could play and chew on the dispensers. We recommend to not place them in areas where they can find them. If you need to lock the dispenser to the ground, you can do so with 2 pieces of 1 foot rebar available from any hardware store. Simply drill 2 holes into the base plate and slide a piece of rebar into each hole. Use a hammer and knock the rebar into the ground at an angle basically forming an X under the dispenser. This will lock the dispenser into the ground making it very difficult for dogs, raccoons, even bears to remove them.
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