
May 21, 2013 - 09:18 AM
Drywood termites "Must" and can only be killed by having the trailer "tented" by a pest control company. I am a retired x-pest control, office manager of 10 ten years and know this to be a fact. Being a trailer the cost should be much less than a home. Good Luck.

May 21, 2013 - 07:52 PM
Bora Care will have very little effect on drywood termites once established inside the walls. It can help to prevent Drywood Termites, but once the nest is established, a treatment with Termidor Foam is about the only remedial treatment that I recommend other than Tent fumigation with Vikane.
With the amount of infestation you are talking about, I would highly recommend having the house fumigated. Visit for a licensed fumigation specialist in your area.
Vikane is a lethal gas that is dispursed into the house with it completely sealed inside a tent or tarps.
Here is more information on drywood termites - click here
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