
Nov 11, 2020 - 01:34 PM
There are only 2 options, 3 if you consider making the furniture into firewood.... :-) First, fumigation by a licensed fumigator is the most effective. It will kill drywood termites 100% and the problem is solved with minimal to no damage to the furniture in the process. The chemical is called VIKANE and it is only available to certified licensed fumigators. This is not a DIY method.
Second, direct treatment of the wood using Termidor foam injected into the termite galleries can work. It also depends on where the termites are located within the furniture. The way this is performed, is by drilling small holes into the "kickout" holes where the termites are dropping out the frass (wood pellets). These kickout holes lead directly to the termite galleries. The hole itself is too small to inject any chemical into, but by using a small handdrill and enlarging the hole to around 1/8", the tips of some pesticide aerosol containers such as Termidor foam will fit. Basically the foam is injected into the holes at as many points as practical. Once this is accomplished, you basically wait for the termites to either start tossing out "frass" again or decide if they are destroyed.
In most parts of the country where fumigation is available, it normally costs upwards of $500 to have furniture fumigated. If you are interested in this, I would recommend to Google local fumigators and find out if that service is even available in your area. If not, the Termidor foam or firewood might be the only other options.
Hope this helps.
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