Jan 26, 2021 - 01:49 PM
There is no exact duration for the chemical at each port. It depends on the number of tubes contained within that port. I will tell you that when we serviced this system back in the 1990's, here in Texas, before HomeTeam ever got involved, we would spend inject 15 seconds of chemical into each tube, followed by 15 seconds of air. The air was from a scuba tank at around 25oo PSI.. If they are not using air, only inserting chemical, then it is not dispursing into the walls.
The average port contained 10-15 tubes. So even at the low level of 10 tubes (small house), it would take a minimum of 30 seconds for each tube. 30 seconds x 10 tubes is 300 seconds - divided by 60 is 5 minutes. So 5 minutes minimum - probably closer to 10 minutes by the time the chemical tank is pumped (hand pump) a few times to maintain pressure.
My opinion of the Tubes in the Wall system, TAEX or whatever it is called is that it can in no way totally eliminate pests such as ants, spiders, crickets, flies, fleas, rats, mice, etc. Those pests invade from outdoors or are carried in and climb the walls and enter the home at multiple points. American cockroaches will crawl through sewer lines and invade that way. That's why they also do the outer perimeter which is what every pest company does on a regular basis anyway.
And yes, they are required by most States to leave a work order or invoice detailing the chemical name, percentage, and amount used. If you aren't getting this, I would recommend contacting them and speak with a manager.
Hope this helps.
The average port contained 10-15 tubes. So even at the low level of 10 tubes (small house), it would take a minimum of 30 seconds for each tube. 30 seconds x 10 tubes is 300 seconds - divided by 60 is 5 minutes. So 5 minutes minimum - probably closer to 10 minutes by the time the chemical tank is pumped (hand pump) a few times to maintain pressure.
My opinion of the Tubes in the Wall system, TAEX or whatever it is called is that it can in no way totally eliminate pests such as ants, spiders, crickets, flies, fleas, rats, mice, etc. Those pests invade from outdoors or are carried in and climb the walls and enter the home at multiple points. American cockroaches will crawl through sewer lines and invade that way. That's why they also do the outer perimeter which is what every pest company does on a regular basis anyway.
And yes, they are required by most States to leave a work order or invoice detailing the chemical name, percentage, and amount used. If you aren't getting this, I would recommend contacting them and speak with a manager.
Hope this helps.
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