Is Demand CS or Onslaught Fastcap or Bifen IT/XTS mixed w/ NyGuard best sprayed/mister solution against Mosquitos?
Looking for an effective solution against mosquitos. Have 10G sprayer and small Fogger avaialbe to apply product. Would like an insecticide that works well on mosquitos but also can be used around the house for regular insect cotnroll. Was thinking of using Demand CS or Onslaught Fastcap or Bifen IT/XTS mixed w/ NyGuard as the mosquito solution and then droping the NyGuard IGR Concentrate out of the mixture when applying as insectaside outside of the residence. Have large wood at my property which have wet spots causing mosquitos infestation.
Also how often would these treatments need to occur for both mosquitos and regular around home preventation of bugs?
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