
May 27, 2021 - 08:37 AM
Clover mites are a plant pest and originate outdoors. In order to control them, a TRUE miticide has to be used. Bifen I/T, Mavrik Aquaflow are the 2 products I would use. If Bifen I/T did not work, then Bifen XTS might work better since it contains Xylene. With any of these products, treating outdoor lawn surfaces, plants, shrubs, decking, and even spraying the walls of the house is needed in some cases. Regular repeated applications of these products are also needed - such as every 2-3-4 weeks depending on severity. This needs to occur for several weeks past the point of "not seeing them". You have to make sure they are gone. If you give up or only apply a couple of treatments, these things will come back and you have to start all over again.
Demand CS and Taurus SC will not work for clover mites. They are not true miticides.
Demand CS and Taurus SC will not work for clover mites. They are not true miticides.
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