
Feb 05, 2024 - 08:48 AM
Misting systems are designed to kill airborne insects such as flies, gnats, mosquitoes, etc. No Seeums are generally a soil-borne insect that lives in sand. What I would suggest is to spray all the possible areas with a dilute solution of a Mosquito misting concentrate such as Sector and see if there is any relief. If so, then consider installing a misting system that is closer to the ground and not as high in the air. The only real advantage of an automatic system is that it dispenses the chemical on a regular basis and reduces the labor from manual applications. You can also spray on the demand with handheld remote.
If manual spraying of the same chemical doesn't provide relief, an automatic system won't do much better.
If manual spraying of the same chemical doesn't provide relief, an automatic system won't do much better.
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