
Jul 10, 2013 - 09:45 PM
Tempo SC is perfectly safe around children and pets - once it has dried. The misconception here is that you are trying to find something that kills insects that is safe. There is no such ingredient anywhere. Even so called "natural products" are not usually safe to use when children or pets are present. So when using anything, children and pets must be out of the area until the product is dry, and there are no smells or odors that could cause lung irritation. Tempo SC is clear, low odor and an excellent product for dermestid beetles.
Be sure to spray outdoor shrubs, plants, etc, as this is probably the source of the problem - not indoors.
When used properly, Tempo SC will not stain anything that water itself will not stain, so hardwoods and carpets are fine.
I don't recommend using foggers on any pest as a sole means of control. Foggers are used to "agitate" insects, get them moving, and that way they contact the already sprayed pesticide such as Tempo SC. So basically you use Foggers as a secondary source of control and not a primary.
Unless you can find a professional source locally to purchase Tempo SC, you will have to buy it online. Tempo SC is a professional product and only sold through professional pesticide retailers and distributors such as We also ship for Free.
Hope this helps.

Nov 16, 2016 - 03:33 AM

Apr 25, 2017 - 05:18 AM
Will tempo kill roaches and bed bugs? Can I spray my furniture?
Can I put tempo on my dogs for fleas
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