Jul 10, 2013 - 09:54 PM
Hi Kathy, if you can keep the dog away from the dispensers, the KM Ant Pro System is the overall best for short term and long term control. The KM Dispensers dispense Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait which will kill the ants, their nests, also kill outside foraging ants. They can be secured to the ground with metal rods, and if the dogs eat the liquid bait, it won't kill them.
Advance Carpenter Ant bait is another option, but toxic to dogs if they eat it. You would basically "scatter" this bait around the base of the trees.
Sprays don't work on carpenter ants. These are really the only options I recommend outdoors for carpenter ants. We sell a lot of sprays that will kill them, but sprays will not kill the nests, and they only make the ants worse.
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