
Jul 17, 2013 - 12:21 PM
Hi Gina, springtails or sometimes called "snowfleas" are difficult to control, because their populations tend to be widespread and affect entire neighborhoods. They are seldom localized, which makes control hard, and also, that means you have to start your treatment outdoors.
Without doing any outdoor treatment, your treatments indoors will seem useless.
Here is what I recommend for springtail control -
1) Treat the entire lawn area and areas under shrubs, trees, decks, shaded areas, areas where moisture accumulates, etc, with a quality insecticide such as Bifenthrin or Cyonara. BE SURE TO USE A WETTING AGENT such as Thoroughbred Surfactant when treating outdoors, as it makes water "wetter" and it makes killing the springtails much easier. Sometimes, a dab of soap or detergent will do the same, but if you use too much, it becomes toxic to plants and grasses.
Treat early in the morning or late in evening so that the chemical stays as wet as possible for as long as possible.
2) Treat the indoor areas, baseboards, window sills, etc, with a quality insecticide such as Transport Insecticide. Transport is giving the best overall control of springtails out of any other insecticide on the market.
3) Schedule at least 3 treatments - 2 weeks apart.
4) Use lemon oil or ePest IPM bug traps on window sills to capture them.
Do this, and you should get relief from springtails. Hope this helps.
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