
Jul 30, 2013 - 10:25 AM
The easy answer is yes, Methomyl (the ingredient in Golden Malrin) and most ingredients in commercial fly baits are poison. In fact, the label directions on Golden Malrin say to not use it where animals can get to it.
With most fly baits, there is little to no attraction other than it is a food source.
In a barn situation, it would NOT provide more of an attraction than manure, and the horses themselves. My experience is that fly baits in barns around animals do not work.
Fly traps, such as the Flies Be Gone, provide better results.
Electronic Fly Traps such as the Exocutor can provide good results but are more expensive.
Sprays such as Vector Ban Plus, are the best way to control flies in barns.
We also have the GIANT Spider Web Fly Trap that is 24 feet long that can be hung above the horses to capture flies.
Hope this helps.
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