Aug 21, 2013 - 11:26 AM
Ultracide (contains an IGR) indoors to kill Fleas on carpets and furniture. Its safe for cats. Demand or Suspend are not actually that safe for cats, even though the label may allow it.
If they cat will allow you to bath it, then Ivory soap kills fleas. Otherwise use an on-animal spray such as PetCor.
I am not a fan of the over the counter pills or lotions that you apply to animals skin. These products are terribly bad for their liver, kidneys and heart.
Use whatever you decide to use on them sparingly, and make sure that whatever you use actually says that it is safe for cats on the label. A lot of flea sprays containing Permethrin will kill cats. Many people assume that if they are safe for dogs, they are safe for cats. Not the case.
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