
Sep 12, 2013 - 11:13 AM
My advice is get rid of whatever bugs you the most first. Carpenter ants are about to go into hiding mode (not dormant), but they are feeding on aphids and most likely filling their nests full of them so that they will have a winter time food source. Carpenter ants do this. Treating for them outdoors now could be hit and miss until next spring when they actively feed outdoors. In Dallas, using KM Ant Pro stations after November and when it gets cold is also hit and miss.
Springtails on the other hand can be active at any time during the year including the winter. In the colder climates, they call them "snow fleas", because they will be active in the snow, and hoping up and down like a miniature flea.
If you don't want to do this yourself, we can certainly help. As for the termite bait stations, we can help on that too. I don't know if I would suggest replacing the termite bait in October, unless the termites are active.
I would prefer replacing it in the spring if its a Sentricon system. If its something else, like Advance, then I wouldn't replace it at all until the termites are active.
Not sure who your current pest company is, but honestly, if they are going to replace the bait now and charge you for it, I think its a disservice to you.
Call DFW Pest Control at 214-349-2847 if you want service or come by our ePestSupply store at 13661 Jupiter Rd in Dallas, Texas. Bring one of your bait stations, just pull it out of the ground, and I will tell you how to save money and get better results.

Sep 12, 2013 - 12:59 PM
thank u somuch for the helpful info!
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