
Sep 19, 2013 - 01:13 PM
What you are dealing with, if the death of the pine tree is the result of carpenter ants, is a problem that will render any over the counter product useless.
First, the death of the tree needs to be investigated to see if it was a viral infection or if it was insect related. Viruses and bacterial infection can cause pine trees to die. And at some point they can become infested with carpenter ants.
Carpenter ants do not infest live wood. They only excavate dead wood to create galleries in which they live and build their nests. So to see sawdust or what is commonly called "frass" that is occuring from carpenter ants does not always mean that the tree died from carpenter ants.
There are also several species of boring insects that bore into trees. At some point, if the infestation becomes great enough, the bores or "wood worms" could kill the tree.
Here is what I recommend - call a local arborist and have them look at the trees and give you a professional recommendation as to what is going on. We need to know if the tree death is insect, fungal, or bacterial related.
Once you know for certain what the answer is, let me know. I can make specific recommendations as to what to do.
The ArborJet system is probably going to be the only system that will treat these trees properly. With the ArborJet system you can inject all kinds of materials, fungicides, pesticides, etc. Here is a quick video on how it works -
This is how it works and this is probably the only way to realistically save any trees that have problems.
We can sell you the ArborJet system and provide products and support, this way you can do it yourself.
Let me know how it goes.
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