
Sep 23, 2013 - 11:59 AM
The Chapin Sure Spray has a twist on lid/pump assembly. The entire black pump assembly rotates and screws onto the white plastic tank. Turn the assembly counter clockwise to open, and clockwise to close.

Apr 20, 2020 - 03:55 AM
That's interesting. I can't remember ever having an issue with this sprayer. Since it is made of plastic, it has no metal pieces that could "gauld" or seize together. I would try putting the tank between your knees and squeezing and then twisting the handle. If you can't get enough leverage, then place a piece of wood or something through the handle to get more leverage. Squeezing the tank body between the knees is what we do on large sprayers than sometimes have this issue. Let me know if this doesn't work.

Jun 15, 2020 - 09:25 AM
If you can't open it, then it could be a vacuum problem. Try removing the hose and letting air into the tank. Again, I have not heard of any issues with this sprayer. If you can't open it and you purchased from us, then let me know and we will get you another one. If you purchased elsewhere, then return it and get another one.

Apr 19, 2021 - 07:57 AM
I had a return recently on this very issue. The only problem was that the handle was not "rotated" prior to opening. The handle rotates to the left to unlock and then pull up and push down to pressurize. After you pressurize, rotate the handle to right to lock.
Again, we have sold thousands of these sprayers and have never seen one that could not be pressurized normally.
Again, we have sold thousands of these sprayers and have never seen one that could not be pressurized normally.
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