
Oct 15, 2013 - 07:46 PM
When applying roach gel baits, just make sure that you put them in areas where the dogs can't reach. Inside of cabinets, remove wall switch plate covers and place gel inside switch boxes, inside of walls around plumbing (where plumbing goes through the wall under sinks) behind counter top, behind refrigerator, behind dishwasher, etc. are all good places to place the gel bait.
When placing the bait use a small amount per placement. Only an amount the size of a pea or smaller should be used. Use plenty of bait placements too. Corners of cabinets, and everywhere you find cockroaches as mentioned above. Use 30-40 placements in kitchens, 10-20 in bathrooms and only 5-10 in rooms such as bedrooms, etc.
If you do this, and keep it away from the dogs, they will be fine. And if they do eat a few placements? Should not hurt them.
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