
Nov 13, 2013 - 12:05 PM
The product that is injected is called Tree Age -
The product to control the yellowing is called Palm-jet. It controls what is called Frizzle Top -
To inject these products you will need a hand drill, and the Quik Jet Kit or the Tree IV 2 pack at a minimum. -
This is the best and in my opinion the only way to control insects in palm trees. We sell these products, they are not currently listed in our catalog. I can get you pricing if interested. Probably looking in the $700 range.
If you want something quick and easy like a soil drench, that may or may not work, then consider Safari -
or Zylam -
These 2 products are systemic and will absorb into the root system and could help kill these insects. I would say it is 50 / 50 chance by doing a soil drench VS 80 / 20 doing a Tree injection. 80% probability that it will work.
Arbor Jet has lots of videos on You tube an also on their site. I would highly recommend to educate yourself about it. It you really want to save the palms, then spend the money.
I have 3 California palms in my back yard. In Dallas, the cost to replace these trees is about $3,000 each. They are 25 foot high. I would easily spend the money and do this myself if I had this problem. Its a no brainer for me. I also do all of my weed control and fertilization.
If you have any questions, or want to consider the Arbor Jet system, let me know. Its not sold to homeowners, as it is designed for professional use. But you can purchase from us.
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