
Apr 11, 2014 - 06:53 AM
I am sorry to tell you, that out of all of the samples you sent, none are insects. Everything is dust, lint or dirt particles. Here is what I would recommend to do - 1) Get a sticky roller with the tear off sheets. Tear off a sheet and use this to gently pat something that you see that might be an insect. The tape works well, and the roller sheets are usually about 4 inches wide, plenty wide to stick anything, even your harm, leg, face, hair, etc. and are not extremely sticky. They work well. 2) Get a REALLY GOOD magnifier at your local CVS, Walgreens, etc. A good magnifier will help you to see what you have trapped with the tape. Anything you have trapped that is insect related can be easily seen. Mites, springtails, and parasitic wasps are the most common "tiny" insects that you will find. These insects are very easy to see, have legs, antenna, usually a very distinct body structure, even eyes. Be sure that it is an insect before you go to the next step. Don't assume that specks of dust are insects. That usually is just a speck of dust. 3). Use GOOGLE and do a search for pictures of MITES, SPRINGTAILS, PARASITIC WASPS and try to identify what it is. Be certain that you are dealing with an insect or arachnid (mites), before going to the next step. 4). Send me the samples of the insects, so that I can then identify it, species, habits, etc. I can then create a plan for you. We actually get samples like this all of the time. It is very common for dust, dirt particles, etc, to resemble insects. You just have to have a good magnifier to be able to tell the difference. Hope this helps.
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