Jul 01, 2014 - 09:51 AM
Taurus contains the active ingredient Fipronyl, which is also the same active ingredient in many flea and tick products for use on dogs. I doubt that it would hurt them. However, the label directions for Taurus say to remove all animals and people, children, etc, prior to application and let surfaces thoroughly dry prior to letting them back into the treated area. Here is a link to the label -
Cats have shown to be very susceptible to many pesticides. Many of these pesticides in the past would cause great harm, even death in some cases. This is only when the products are directly applied to a cat or the cat comes into contact with a "wet surface" that was treated. For this reason, I would not apply ANY pesticide around a cat, and only let the cat back into the treated area AFTER is has completely dried, and make sure that whatever you spray is safe for cats first.
Hope this helps.
Cats have shown to be very susceptible to many pesticides. Many of these pesticides in the past would cause great harm, even death in some cases. This is only when the products are directly applied to a cat or the cat comes into contact with a "wet surface" that was treated. For this reason, I would not apply ANY pesticide around a cat, and only let the cat back into the treated area AFTER is has completely dried, and make sure that whatever you spray is safe for cats first.
Hope this helps.
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