
Jun 20, 2016 - 03:50 PM
CB 80 can be applied as frequently as you need it. Once applied it only kills on contact and has no residual. Hope this helps.

Jun 21, 2016 - 04:42 PM
Ultracide or Nuvan Aerosol would be my choice for rugs. CB80 has no residual. These products are easy to apply, are usually color safe and can be applied without washing the rugs.

Jun 24, 2016 - 04:04 PM
There are a lot of factors that go into "indoor" mite control. First off, I can tell you that in 98% or more of the mite cases that we get, they are not mites. They usually aren't anything, not even an insect. Most of the mite specimens that we get are actually pieces of dirt, debris, etc that people think are mites.
So before you start spraying and going into an extensive treatment program, I must ask, how do you know they are mites, and do you have an actual sample you can send me?
So before you start spraying and going into an extensive treatment program, I must ask, how do you know they are mites, and do you have an actual sample you can send me?
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