
Sep 13, 2017 - 03:46 AM
There is no "proper placement" when installing termite bait stations. The reason is that termites can be actively foraging anywhere on the proper. So the proper placement would be anywhere termites could be foraging.
Basically, when installing termite bait stations, the "rule" is to place them no more than 10 feet apart. So in some areas they may be 8 feet, other areas could be less, but no more than 10 feet. 15 feet for the Advance Stations is too much in my opinion. The main point here is that you can place them anywhere - around the house, around the patio, along sidewalks, around storage sheds, along the fence. I do NOT recommend to drill cement or auger holes unless there is no other way possible to install them, such as around a commercial building with a solid cement drive, shopping centers and strip malls where there is no soil, etc. In almost all installations involving homes, there is no need to auger cement, just place them along the sidewalk, patio, even in the yard - it really doesn't matter all that much.
As far as distance away from the house - the rule here is to keep just inside the drip line of the roof. This way they stay somewhat drier than if they were in the yard. The issue here is that in some cases, they are too dry and don't get any moisture. Again, there is no specific distance such as 3 feet, 5 feet etc.
My opinion? You don't need me to tell you where to install the stations, this is purely hit and miss anyway. I would install them where they are just inside the drip line of the roof where possible and as close to 10 feet apart as you can get. The most important thing is to remember to check them and use bait when you find active termites. I recommend every 90 days at a minimum.
Basically, when installing termite bait stations, the "rule" is to place them no more than 10 feet apart. So in some areas they may be 8 feet, other areas could be less, but no more than 10 feet. 15 feet for the Advance Stations is too much in my opinion. The main point here is that you can place them anywhere - around the house, around the patio, along sidewalks, around storage sheds, along the fence. I do NOT recommend to drill cement or auger holes unless there is no other way possible to install them, such as around a commercial building with a solid cement drive, shopping centers and strip malls where there is no soil, etc. In almost all installations involving homes, there is no need to auger cement, just place them along the sidewalk, patio, even in the yard - it really doesn't matter all that much.
As far as distance away from the house - the rule here is to keep just inside the drip line of the roof. This way they stay somewhat drier than if they were in the yard. The issue here is that in some cases, they are too dry and don't get any moisture. Again, there is no specific distance such as 3 feet, 5 feet etc.
My opinion? You don't need me to tell you where to install the stations, this is purely hit and miss anyway. I would install them where they are just inside the drip line of the roof where possible and as close to 10 feet apart as you can get. The most important thing is to remember to check them and use bait when you find active termites. I recommend every 90 days at a minimum.
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